Thursday, August 22, 2013

How to Stop Bulimia - Learn More About Bulimia

Are you looking for ways on how to stop bulimia? Bulimia is not just a physical disorder but it is a mental disorder, too. If you are showing signs of bulimia, which can consist of binge eating followed by purging, there is a good chance you're on what is called a "Slippery Slope." Be sure of one thing: it's going to get worse before it gets better.
If you're struggling with symptoms of bulimia and you feel as though you've stepped onto an elevator that you know is headed to the basement, but you don't know how to get off, rest assured, there is a way to stop bulimia.
Bulimia, if not treated, in a worst case scenario can lead to death. In a less-than-worse case situation, it can tear your esophagus, eat the enamel off of your teeth or plunge you into a deep spiral that has nowhere to go but down.
People who have bulimia often have overwhelming feelings of shame and that will lead to very low self-esteem. If someone you know is flirting with this behavior the first step toward recovery is admitting there is a problem. Because of the shame that is associated with bulimia, recognizing that there is a problem will not come easy.
The key point to keep in mind is that there is a way to stop bulimia and many people have found a way to recover and lead normal lives.
Once the secret of bulimia has come out into the light, it can be addressed and the healing can begin. There are many hospitals and non-profit organizations that run groups for people who have struggled with bulimia and need to stop. Another option for recovery is one-on-one counseling. There are treatment programs, in which, like drug and alcohol recovery you would stay for up to 28 days and would be immersed in learning about the disease of bulimia and how to recover from it.
The most important thing to remember is that in order to stop bulimia, there first must be recognition of its existence. From thereon, there are many options to be found from one-on-one counseling, group therapy, treatment centers or peer groups where other recovering bulimics discuss how they have managed to stay abstinent from the binging and purging behavior.
No matter what, don't give up hope on the person with bulimia. There are success stories that can offer a glimmer of hope and there is a great website to turn to if you are looking to find out how to put a stop to bulimia.

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